• Presenting

    Automata Eva

Project summary

Automata Eva

Automata’s Eva unit is designed to reduce the high barriers to the adoption of robotic systems. This is a desktop sized robotic arm that is still in development and offers small and medium sized enterprises a low cost and user-friendly robot solution.

Currently existing as a prototype unit (TRL 4) the aim of this voucher work is to assist Automata in the certification of the Eva unit as a safe collaborative robot that is ready for commercial deployment.


Automata's mission is to bring the next revolution in manufacturing by making robotic automation affordable and simple. 


Contribution from RTOs

Fraunhofer IPA
Certifying the electronics and software architecture of the Eva unit comply with industry standards.

Assist in developing a methodology and framework for the certification of collaborative systems.
Compile a technical file to support Eva’s performance and technical specifications.


Impact (expected)

Currently the Eva unit has been developed as a technical prototype and Automata are undergoing customer trials. However the product is not yet ready for the commercial market as a safe collaborative robot as it has not been certified.

The impact of this voucher work is that Automata are now aware of improvements required to take their product to the market ready state. 

This work has helped Automata in beginning to certify their product which brings them one step closer to market. 

It has also identified potential areas of improvement in the current product. These improvements will help Automata develop a stronger product.  

